General Questions


Is there any limitations in initial Trial Version?

All features are enabled but bulk email and sms messages are disabled in the initial free version of the Product. However, sending emails/sms to single patients at a time is enabled.

What will happen to my Data if I choose to discontinue?

Your data is always yours, you can export the complete Data from the system.

Is there any limitations for sending SMS and Emails

Yes, we are currently providing 2000 emails and 2000 SMS’s. You can buy more from the application once the existing quota is exhausted using the online payment gateway from within the system.

WilI my Data be safe?

The product is hosted in Cloud and your data is absolutely safe and protected.

How can I Register? How long will it take to start using the application after Registration?

You can Register Here, with a valid mobile number, email id and other information required in the form, A welcome note is sent immediately with login credientials. We will be verifying the details provided and will “Approve”immediately. On approval an intimation email is sent out and you can start using our system. However, we will be checking the validity of the details provided along with Doctors ID card details. If any discrepancies are found your account will not be Activated.

I am logged into the product after registration, now what are the steps to use the system

Congratulations!! Once logged in, you need to do the following steps:-

  1. Complete full Practice Details information.
  2. Complete the Practice Timings &  Settings details.
  3. Add Doctors, Patients, Procedures/Treatments, Add Complaints, Observation, Diagnosis, Investigations Details.
  4. Alternatively you can check the help provided on right hand side top.

Done !!

Will you help me migrate my data from existing software ?

Yes, please email your data to We will do the needfull.

Will you customise or change the software according to my needs ?

The development of the product has gone through many iterations and is based on best industry practices. So most likely your requirement will already exist and if not will be rolled out in future updates depending upon our priorities. However, please note individual customization for single clinic is not possible.

Will training be provided on how to use the Product ?

The Product is straight forward in terms of usage, however, in case of any issues we can provide you with the required training. We also plan to add training material using simple steps on how to use the Product.

Will you help me in getting new Patients ?


I am into Wellness Industry, Can I send offers to my patients from time to time ?

Yes, If you are into Wellness Industry catering to patients in Hair Transplant, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Skin Care or Dental Solutions related to asthetics and beauty, then you can use our bulk emailing and sms features to provide information/offers to your existing patients.

Once I subscribe and become your customer, Will I get future updates for the product ?

Yes, all our customers whether new or old will receive all the updates from time to time whenever it is rolled out. Any extra features added will also be available depending upon your existing plan.

FAQ for doctors

General queries have been explained in detail. 

faq for partners

General questions on how this product can be taken to masses Coming Soon.

faq for patients

This is answer queries related to what patients can view Coming Soon.

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